On June 3, 2008, Barak Obama claimed the Democratic party nomination in front of over 20,000 people at the Xcel Center in Saint Paul. On that same day, John McCain addressed a much smaller group of supporters in Kenner, LA, which provided a sharp contrast to Obama's address. McCain's speech was
"widely panned", and almost no one who wrote about it failed to comment on the green backdrop.
I think UGC for elections is getting people involved in ways that they probably never would before. In the same vain of comedic news, it seems to get more people interested and discussing politics when they probably wouldn't. I don't if it helps or hurts either campaign, but I think getting people interested is half the battle.
Here is the link to the green screen challenge entries. http://www.colbertnation.com/the-colbert-report-videos/180279/september-02-2008/green-screen-challenge---last-shot
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