This news station in Little Rock, AR is allowing people to vote on the news stories they want covered.
As of 4:30 on Tuesday, this is where the polls are. Interesting the topics to choose from.
C-Span campaign 2008 bus in Little Rock (56%)
Nashville Murder for hire trial (29%)
What illnesses are going around (15%)
Any thoughts on this? I like the way they are merging 'new media' with journalism, but something about letting viewers choose what the news reports on seems like a bad idea to me.

1 comment:
Heather -
I don't know if you are looking for something like this on a national scale, but I remember CBS Nightly News tried something like this with it's Steve Hartman segments. I don't know if they are still doing the "American Idol" type voting for what he covers, but it may be worth checking into.
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