Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Economy and more

The economy is tops on the list of important issues, and I feel that is appropriately placed. Questions that I feel need to be answered to keep the electorate informed are:
1. What are the candidates positions?
2. What influenced those positions? (i.e. who are the economic advisers, what are their backgrounds, are the positions backed up by empirical data, etc)
3. What is the candidate experience in this arena?
4.What is the candidates record in this area?
5. Qualified, impartial analysis of economic positions, and likelihood of success.

That being said, I have found that the Associated Press (AP.org) answers most of these questions if you dig deeply through the site. The new stories and leads tend to be about 'sound bites' and not much else. The depth is available, but one must look for it.
The area which is lacking is the impartial analysis. There is analysis but it appears to be biased, infused with opinion.

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