Tuesday, October 7, 2008

AP Headline - Palin answers several questions from reporters

I honestly never thought I'd see a headline like this, that wasn't in the Onion anyway. However I saw the following posted to a number of news sites today: "Palin answers several questions from reporters"

I mean, seriously? In 2008? That this isn't a total joke - e.g. "Politician Gives Direct Answer to Question" simply amazes me.

So, I have a question for everyone. Who's fault is this? The journalists for allowing questions to go unanswered? The politicians for not answering? The public for not demanding answers? No one - what do I expect?

Seriously. I'm honestly trying to figure this out.

One link to the AP story: http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5jmnVpq0nGcPOacLhEz0w_sLrSBiQD93M0LE80

1 comment:

Heather said...

I don't have anyone to blame, but Palin has be avoiding questions for some time. At the debate last week, she openly said for a few questions 'I'm not going to answer that, I'm going to answer...'. In her interview with Katie Curic, she failed to answer questions. In my opinion, it is the politicians who are to blame. One can only ask a question so many times without an answer. If a journalist cannot get an answer in a one-on-one interview, how is the general public going to get one?