Monday, November 3, 2008

11/5/08 Assignment

The best example that of a technology that assists the general public in participating in this years election is: finding out where their local polling place is and who/what is on their ballot. The participation part is the act of voting.

The obvious places to look for your polling place are:

The Minnesota Secretary of States office:
(After 8pm tomorrow election results, once known, will be posted here, also.)
They also post any Voter Alerts here. (Scroll towards the bottom.)

The League of Women Voters:
The link for Voters Guide is helpful. The tab for "candidate info" provides a LARGE amount of information. (It takes forever to load, imo, but I like that they asked the candidates the same questions and the responses were short and fairly straight forward.)

A friend also sent me this link (along with a friendly reminder to vote tomorrow):

For those that live in Hennepin County you can find a sample ballot, polling location, and election results at:

So, on behalf of my friend that reminded me, I'll remind y'all - Please don't forget to vote!

Thank you.


Patrick said...

I like that Google voting place locator. Considering some people don't even know where they can vote, this addition to Google maps is very practical.

The LWVMN site really provides you with a lot of information. The "Action and Advocacy" area is very fascinating. More specifically the "Testimony" section.

John said...

While election judging yesterday I was amazed by how many (mostly young-ish) people knew they were in the right precinct while we checked the book because they had looked it up on-line.
And, in a new twist for polling places, as part of the ID process for change of address, along with a photo ID, if you have a utility bill only on-line because that's how you get your bills, you can bring up the bill on your cell phone or laptop as proof.