Monday, November 24, 2008

Internet and civic participation

For the second half of our class, I have been investigating how the digital revolution is (and could) impact the way government/democracy works. Through my scan of research on the subject, I found a few relevant articles that shed light on this topic in different ways:

- An article published by the Pew Internet and American Life Project focused on how the Internet impacted the 2008 election. This article looks at the most recent impact, but that hindsight can also provide clues into how the Internet could be used in the future.

-Another paper published by Harvard University's Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation analyzes a Brazilian case study of the impact of citizen participation in local government through Internet usage. Insights could be translated here as well.

-The Christian Science Monitor also had an interesting article projecting how government communication with the public might change in a Barack Obama administration.

All of these articles will help in my project preparation.

1 comment:

John said...

While researching my topic I found these and thought they may be helpful. Jeez-trying to stay focused...

For Obama, Governing in the Age of YouTube

Net2 Think Tank: Lessons From The Campaigns